Monster culture is centered around sex and sexuality.All monsters are female and have physically-feminine forms.Setting: The game is set in an altered version of Undertale’s Underground with a few key differences: Overall, the player has the choice of offering two kinds of 'happiness': the true happiness mentioned before, OR the "happiness" of only thinking about sexual pleasure from being Mindblown.

Alternatively, you can also fuck them so hard that they stop thinking about their problems altogether (mindbreak, corruption).As the player, you will have the opportunity to help these characters find true happiness, be it helping them face their problems, or move on from what's making them unhappy.The main characters you meet often have 'problems' that get in the way of happiness, but don't go about facing them the right way (or at all).Theme: "True happiness comes with living a fulfilling life, facing your problems, and mindful love." This human is not a character like Frisky, who has a defined personality and motivations for his journey through the Underground. The Protagonist Is You - The adult human you play as is intended to serve as a vessel for you the player.Differences from the Under(her)tail comic by TheWill:.This leads to a sex scene that leaves the enemy Mindblown, resulting in state of mind-break and corruption of monster’s character. In UHT:LL, the equivalent choice is to have FUN with enemies, filling their LP (Lust Points) bar until it is maxed out.

Killing vs Mindblowing - In Undertale, the player is given the choice to FIGHT enemies, lowering their HP bar until they are killed.Furthermore, there are differences between UHT:LL and Undertale/the original fan comic by TheWill. However, this story will be expanded with new characters, conflicts, and sex (of course). The game will follow a similar structure to Undertale, where the human falls into the Underground and travels through different areas to eventually reach the exit. This choice will lead the player down one of three overall Routes in the game: Have some FUN to leave the enemy Mindblown (equiv.